Premium Beer Glasses
by Beer Tats™ |
Classic Pub Glass |
The classic pub
glass is ubiquitous across America.
Its history can be traced back to
Nineteenth Century England where the
Imperial Gallon was established as
the standard for liquid measure. Subsequently
it became law that all beer be sold
in Imperial Pints (1/8 of an Imperial
Gallon, about 20 ounces). To adhere
to the law, pubs procured certified
pint glasses and the classic pub glass
shape was born. In the U.S. there
is no such law and our pints are the
more widely accepted 16 ounces, however
the classic shape lives on. Partly
because they are economical to make
and partly because they are great
to kick back. Our Classic Pub glasses
are brilliantly clear to show off
the finest brews. The heavy weight
and thick base serves to keep your
beer cool. Though the shape is familiar,
you won't find these glasses in most
pubs. |
in 2 sizes; 14 oz. and 18 oz. |
Wheat Beer Glass |
Similar to a pilsner
glass but with a slightly rounded
top to capture the aromas and frothy
heads that come with true wheat beers.
In Germany they are known as weisbiers,
hefeweizens or simply weizens. In
Belgium you’ll find witbeirs
commonly brewed with and a hint of
corriander and orange. Stonger varieties
include dunkelweizen and weizenbock.
On the extreme side, you can try sour
beers such as Belgium lambics or the
famous Berliner weisse. You’ll
find all kinds of variations in names,
especially with American brewers.
What they all have in common is a
significant proportion of wheat to
barley malts, creating a light, top-fermenting
beer that is served up perfectly in
our Wheat Beer glasses. |
in 2 sizes; 12 oz. and 16 oz. |
Willi Becher Glass |
The Willi Becher
is a German variant of the classic
pub glass which is differentiated
by a slight taper at the mouth. The
taper was added to hold the aroma
of the often more fragrant German
beers; another fine example of German
engineering. As a result this glass
is one the most popular styles in
Germany. If you enjoy stouts and porters,
this glass makes a fine choice. Like
our Classic Pub glass, our Willi Becher
is made of brilliantly clear glass
with a thick sham. In America you'll
likely find these glasses in the more
distinctive brewpubs and beer bars. |
in 1 size; 16 3/4 oz. |
Pilsner Glass |
Pilsner, the first
lager beer, was develop the Czech
Republic. Lager is German for “storage”,
and refers to the technique of fermenting
beer in a cool, dark place with bottom-fermenting
yeast. American lagers and the traditional
Oktoberfest marzen are other examples.
German bocks, including maibock, hellesbock,
dopplebock and eisbock, are stronger
varieties. Whichever your choice,
the tall, slender shape showcases
the golden hues and effervescence
found in all lagers. The conical shape
provides for a smooth pour, both in
and out, that lends itself nicely
to the inherent drinkability of these
beers. While the wide mouth serves
to capture a rich head. |
in 1 sizes; 13 1/2 oz |
Ale Glass |
Ale is a broad
classification of beers that are brewed
from malted barley and fermetered
with yeast at wamer temperaturers
than lagers. To balance the sweetness
of the malt, hops are generally added
in varying degrees from lightly hopped
brown ales to the extreme hoppiness
of American style India Pale Ales.
Whether you prefer Belgian or Scotch,
light or large, strong or mild, this
glass delivers. Designed for optimum
enjoyment, the stem keeps the beer
cool, the wide body contains the volatiles
to lock in the flavor, and the flared
rim releases the aromas while capturing
the head; quite possibly the perfect
beer glass. |
in 2 sizes; 12 1/2 oz. and 16 1/2
oz. |